Thursday, August 30, 2018

Los cuartos que cobra Cardi B por show

Cardi B no quiere menos de 300 mil dólares por presentaciones.


Mató al jevo porque él iba a salir con reina de belleza

Kentucky, EEUU.- "Yo lo hice; sí, lo hice", habría cantado y bailado la asesina según se ve en un video de la Policía. (Seguir leyendo…)

Mira el video relacionado:


Alec Baldwin le hace el fó a papel de película del Guasón

El actor Alec Baldwin anunció que ha renunciado a su papel en una película sobre el Joker, uno de los grandes villanos de las historias de Batman, informó este jueves el periódico USA Today. (Seguir leyendo…)


Nueva embajadora gringa llega hoy a RD

La Embajadora de Estados Unidos en República Dominicana, Robin Bernstein, llegara mañana jueves al país a las 2:00 de la tarde, en un vuelo comercial de una aerolínea estadounidense procedente desde la Ciudad de Miami, La Florida. (Seguir leyendo…)


Fokiuse no ha declarado sus chelitos

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Pro Consumidor cierra dos pica pollo

El Día/Santo Domingo.- El Instituto Nacional de Protección de los Derechos del Consumidor (Pro Consumidor) cerró dos establecimientos de comida rápida por encontrar condiciones que ponían en peligro a los consumidores, incumpliendo con la Ley 358-05 de Protección a los Derechos del Consumidor.

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Norman se convierte en huracán categoría 4

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Tueska rompe el silencio

Habla sobre demanda a su ex manager y esposo, Evelio Herrera.

Mira el video que publicó en su Instagram:

Tueska por Instagram

Cada día de mi vida inicio dando gracias a Dios por todo. Me despierto agradecida con esta Patria que me acogió y a la que amo, inmensamente agradecida por el don de la música a través de la cual he podido comunicarme de manera muy especial con la gente, mi público, que se han convertido en un gran respaldo desde siempre, junto a mi familia y seres queridos. Que son mi motor.

Como todos saben he solicitado por vía legal la desvinculacion con quien fuera mi manejador. Sin dar detalles que por el momento, considero innecesarios, es importante aclarar que después de 2 años haciendo todo lo posible e imposible por llegar a un acuerdo, hablando y buscando la manera de concluir esto de una forma amigable. Lo único que he recibido como respuesta son negativas, evasivas y más interés en hablar de temas personales que de trabajo, lo que nada tiene que ver con mi petición, por lo que finalmente me he visto OBLIGADA a tomar esta decision y hacerlo por la vía legal con mi abogado @josehoepelman .
No se trata de denigrar, detractar, ofender o insultar, en mi corazón no hay nada parecido y todos ustedes lo saben muy bien. De lo que se trata es de INCUMPLIMIENTO y precisamente esa ha sido mi mayor cruz y lo que me ha mantenido estancada. No quiero más manipulación, No quiero seguir sentada viendo el tiempo pasar y desperdiciando mis esfuerzos, dejándome llevar a ningún lugar y sin rumbo alguno.
Apelo al buen juicio y a que se entienda que lo correcto es dar por terminado un contrato que NUNCA se ha cumplido.
Gracias a todos ustedes por su paciencia y por siempre animarme a seguir adelante… confío en que para los que amamos a Dios todo obra para Bien. Espero estar de vuelta pronto.

Instagram Photo

Evelio Herrera siente que Tueska se esta pasando
Se armó una vaina: Tueska Vs Evelio Herrera


Battlefield V Launch Delayed A Month To November 2018 - youtube channel Battlefield V Launch Delayed A Month To November 2018 August 30, 2018 at 05:08AM

DICE delays the Battlefield V release date to November 2018 in order to make extra adjustments to the core gameplay experience. Earlier this year, the acclaimed video game developer revealed the franchise's return to World War II with Battlefield V - a title that not only represents the fifth, core Battlefield game but also the phrase "V for Victory" that was popularized during that time period. But instead of focusing on the major battles as they had done in the past, this time, the new installment aims to highlight the engagements most people don't know about.

Fans got their first real look at the game at E3 2018 in June and then at Gamescom 2018 in August. And they had the chance to finally go hands-on with the game during two closed alpha sessions throughout the summer. It seems that DICE learned a lot from the Battlefield community during those gameplay sessions, seeing as they plan on making quite a few adjustments to the title before launch later this year. But in order to make those changes, they, unfortunately, need to delay the game by one month to give themselves ample time to fine tune everything.

Related: First Look at Battlefield V's Progression and Customization System

In a new blog post, DICE General Manager Oskar Gabrielson revealed that they are delaying Battlefield V from its initial October 19 release date to November 20. They arrived at this decision one week ahead of Battlefield V's open beta in early September. And they're delaying the game because they expect to receive even more feedback from the community soon. Ultimately, Gabrielson says, "We're going to take the time to continue to make some final adjustments to core gameplay, and to ensure we really deliver on the potential of Tides of War."

While Battlefield fans will have to wait an additional month to get their hands on the latest installment, this delay can only be good news for those who were initially hesitant to jump on board with Battlefield V following the closed alpha. Plus, this will give the studio the extra time they need to make sure they are delivering on all the new mechanics that they've promised since the beginning, such as the ability to drag teammates, which hasn't been available in any playable version of the game thus far. And who knows, perhaps the other studio working on the Battle Royale mode will have finished in time for it to release at launch along with the base game.

What's more, this delay will free up October, which was already a crowded month with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Red Dead Redemption 2 all releasing. Now, Battlefield V will release just one week after Hitman 2 and Fallout 76, but all three games provide different experiences, so they shouldn't cannibalize each other's sales too much. Plus, it helps to be the most recent release going into the holiday season.

More: Some Thoughts on The Battlefield V Closed Alpha: We Love It!

Source: Oskar Gabrielson

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Ranking All The (Very) Different Jack Ryan Movies - youtube channel Ranking All The (Very) Different Jack Ryan Movies August 30, 2018 at 05:08AM

The Jack Ryan movie franchise has ran for 28 years and counting. Based (mostly) on the best-selling series of military techno-thrillers by the late Tom Clancy, five films have been made about the heroic CIA analyst, with four different actors portraying Ryan (two of which were failed attempts to reboot the series). Together, the five films total have grossed $923-million worldwide. With Amazon Prime launching Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan as a new TV series starring John Krasinski, the fifth actor to portray the titular hero, let's look back at the collection of very different Jack Ryan movies.

Regardless of which actor stepped into the role, the overall portrayal of Jack Ryan throughout the films has been mostly consistent. Ryan is a former Marine turned CIA analyst, who is also a history teacher, author, and professor at the United States Naval Academy. Because of his geopolitical expertise and his unerring sense of right and wrong, Ryan is regularly drawn into crises that threaten the United States. The films began during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, but as times changed, Ryan's adventures spanned conflict with the Irish Republican Army, the war on drugs coming from South America, and post-9/11 terrorism.

Watch: Amazon's Jack Ryan Trailer

The Ryan films, however, are inconsistent in tone and quality, which makes them a challenge to rank. The first three films in the series are the easiest to follow as they more or less function as a continuing narrative. When director John McTiernan and Alec Baldwin left after Red October, Harrison Ford took over as Jack Ryan in Phillip Noyce's Patriot Games and Clear And Present Danger, which fit as the same character Baldwin played. After creative issues stalled the franchise in the late 1990s, the decision was made to reboot the films with a younger Jack Ryan played by Ben Affleck in 2002's The Sum of All Fears. Despite Sum's financial success, the franchise ground to a halt until it was rebooted a second time in 2014, with Chris Pine assuming the role in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. If all of this sounds confusing, that's because it is.

5. The Sum Of All Fears

The Sum of All Fears was the first post-9/11 Jack Ryan film and deals with a Neo-Nazi terrorist setting off a nuclear weapon in Baltimore, Maryland in order to start a war between Russia and the United States. It was released in the summer of 2002, just months after 9/11, and the subject matter of a nuke detonated on American soil can make the viewer queasy, even watching it years later. In the film, Ryan is the only person to realize that the nuclear bomb wasn't Russian, but a framing attempt. The CIA analyst then races against time to get this vital information to the President of the United States, played by James Cromwell, before an all-out war is launched and the Neo-Nazi can fulfill his true scheme, to establish a fascist European state.

Despite a stellar cast, including Morgan Freeman as CIA Director William Cabot, Bridget Moynahan as Cathy Muller, Liev Schreiber, Colm Feore, Ciarán Hinds, Phillip Baker Hall, and Bruce McGill, the plot is convoluted and difficult to follow. Tom Clancy was disgruntled with the many changes made to his novel; in the DVD commentary he introduced himself as "the author of the book that [the director] ignored." At this point in his career, Affleck, who was a controversial pick (just as he would be when Ben was cast as Batman a decade later), simply lacked the gravitas to be convincing as Ryan, even though the character was meant to be younger and brash. Ryan's love story with Cathy also hit awkward rom-com notes ill-fitting with the deadly serious subject matter of the main plot.

4. Patriot Games

1992's Patriot Games began the highly successful two-film run of Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan with Phillip Noyce in the director's chair. Ford was coming off the end of the Indiana Jones trilogy and embraced Jack Ryan as his new franchise. While visiting London with his wife Cathy (Anne Archer) and young daughter Sally (Thora Birch), Ryan prevents an IRA assassination attempt on a member of the British Royal family. In the process, he kills the younger brother of one of the terrorists, Sean Miller (Sean Bean), who vows revenge and follows Ryan and his family back to the United States. For his part, Ryan has retired from the CIA, but after Miller tries to murder his Cathy and Sally, Ryan returns to the Agency to stop Miller and the IRA splinter group he's part of from forming their own private army.

Tom Clancy's novel was actually a prequel to The Hunt For Red October, but the film takes place after the events of the first film. Clancy was so unhappy with the changes the screenplay made, he asked to have his name taken off the film. After the cerebral techno-thriller that was Red October, Patriot Games is a more straightforward action film. Taking full advantage of Ford's status as an action hero, Ryan finds himself constantly involved in bloody fistfights and shootouts. Clancy found the conclusion of the film - a memorable all-out assault on Ryan's home that ends with a boat chase and violent brawl between Miller and Ryan - particularly "unrealistic". And he's not totally wrong. Despite a great cast including James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Patrick Bergin, and Polly Walker, Patriot Games has a muddled political story that never gels with the personal grudge between Sean Miller and Jack Ryan.

Page 2 of 2: The Top 3 Jack Ryan Films

3. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Essentially "Jack Ryan Begins", 2014's Shadow Recruit depicted his origin story that was only hinted at in the prior films. The new Jack portrayed by Chris Pine was rebooted as a student at the London School of Economics during 9/11. He joins the Marines out of a sense of patriotism and survives a helicopter crash that places him in traction. His doctor during rehab is his future wife Cathy, played by Keira Knightley, who suspects he's hiding an affair from him a decade later when they are living together in NYC. In truth, Ryan only poses as a Wall Street broker when he's actually a CIA analyst recruited by Thomas Harper, played by Kevin Costner. Ryan discovers and foils a Russian plot to cause the United States economy to financially collapse while also preventing a terrorist attack on Wall Street.

Kenneth Branagh both directed and starred as the villainous Viktor Cherevin. The first Jack Ryan film not to be based on a Tom Clancy novel, Shadow Recruit was a conscious effort to turn Jack in a post-Jason Bourne action hero - and it mostly succeeds. The film presents the most breakneck, frenetic action of the franchise. Knightley's Cathy Muller is also directly plunged into the action alongside Jack; her scenes verbally dueling with Branagh are among the best in the film. Despite Pine's all-in performance as Ryan, audiences weren't enamored with the reboot. Shadow Recruit ended up as the lowest-grossing Jack Ryan film and didn't spawn sequels. However, Ryan's adventures in Moscow were both glamorous and deadly, the action scenes are top-notch, and Branagh's Russian villain is one of the best of the franchise.

Related: Star Trek Producer Thinks Star Trek 4 'Can Work' Without Chris Pine's Kirk

2. Clear And Present Danger

Harrison Ford and director Phillip Noyce's second and final Jack Ryan film, Clear And Present Danger finds Ryan promoted to Acting CIA Deputy Director - Intelligence. Uncomfortable when forced to play the politician, Jack navigates a complex web of lies by members of the White House cabinet, who are conducting a covert war with Columbian drug cartels while setting Ryan up as the fall guy. Jack is driven to clear his name and expose the conspirators, up to and including the complicit President of the United States. As in Patriot Games, the film's still-relevant politics and spycraft are built around several blisteringly violent action scenes where Ryan travels to Columbia, dodges explosions and gunfire, and gets into a fistfight with the villain, Col. Félix Cortez (Joaquim de Almeida), who is described in the film as "a Latin Jack Ryan".

Once more, Tom Clancy was less than pleased with the changes made to his novel, but the film succeeds despite its issues with pacing and an overreliance on plunging Ford into action scenes. Clear And Present Danger stuffs a great deal of plot into its 141 minute running time, but at its center is Ford at his most resolute; his Ryan is a pure-hearted Boy Scout who knows right from wrong and he memorably tells off the President in the Oval Office. Willem Dafoe portrays John Clark, a CIA operative who was a regular character in Clancy's novels but it kills off James Earl Jones' Admiral James Greer, Ryan's mentor in the CIA. Clear And Present Danger also contains callbacks to Patriot Games and The Hunt For Red October, nicely tying together the first three films to make it all feel like a complete trilogy.

1. The Hunt For Red October

In 1990's The Hunt For Red October, Alec Baldwin's Jack Ryan shares center stage with Sean Connery, who plays Captain Marko Ramius, the skipper of the titular Russian nuclear submarine. Ramius steals the Soviet Union's most advanced sub, which is built with a silent propulsion system that makes it invisible to sonar. As the US braces for a possible nuclear attack, Ryan is recruited by the CIA as a consultant and figures out Ramius' true motive: he plans to defect and turn the Red October over to America. The film becomes a suspenseful cat-and-mouse game as Ryan attempts to convince the US Navy to aid Ramius before the Russian Navy can sink their defector.

A nail-biting techno-thriller set in 1984 in the waning years of the Cold War, Red October was directed by John McTiernan, who also helmed Predator and Die Hard. Baldwin's Ryan tends to be overshadowed by Connery's star-power (despite his amusingly suspect Russian accent), but the two leads make an excellent on-screen duo when their characters finally meet on board Ramius' sub. The stellar cast includes Sam Neill, Tim Curry, Scott Glenn, James Earl Jones, Courtney B. Vance, and Stellan Skarsgård. (Cathy Ryan only briefly appears at the beginning, played by Gates McFadden from Star Trek: The Next Generation.) The purest cinematic adaptation of a Tom Clancy novel that is very different from its sequels, Red October's suspenseful Cold War intrigue still holds up today and it easily ranks as the best of the Jack Ryan films.

Next: Watch Amazon's Jack Ryan TV Series Trailer

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan streams on Friday, August 31, 2018 on Amazon Prime.

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Netflix’s Buster Scruggs, Roma & 22 July Set Theatrical Release Dates - youtube channel Netflix's Buster Scruggs, Roma & 22 July Set Theatrical Release Dates August 30, 2018 at 05:08AM

Netflix has officially set theatrical release dates for its feature films The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Roma, and 22 July. In an unprecedented move by the streaming giant to compete among the best of the best in Hollywood, Netflix is prepping these three dramas for awards season and has chosen specific theatrical release dates to qualify the films for Academy Award nominations.

Roma is an intimate black and white drama written and directed by Alfonso Cuarón that is currently set to be the centerpiece to this year's New York Film Festival Main Slate. Joel and Ethan Coen's The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, a western film with a loaded cast that was originally set to be a Netflix television series, has now been turned into an anthology film and will also enjoy a premiere at the NYFF. Netflix's third film that will see a theatrical release, Paul Greengrass' 22 July, was first picked up by the streaming giant last year and will be a thriller following Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.

Related: Steven Spielberg: Netflix Movies Should Qualify for Emmys, Not Oscars

Roma attracted speculations earlier this week over whether or not Netflix was considering a theatrical release for the Mexican filmmaker's next feature. But as it would turn out, it is not only Cuarón's film that Netflix has opted to release in theaters. Deadline reports that Netflix announced Roma for a December 14th theatrical release, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs for a November 16th release, and 22 July for an October 10th release. Netflix is reportedly focusing these theatrical releases in big cities across the United States such as Los Angeles and New York. Each city will have approximately 10-12 theaters screening the three dramas.

While this is not the first time that Netflix has given one of its features a theatrical release (Cary Fukunaga's Beasts of No Nation received a simultaneous theatrical-online release), it is the first time that the company has given exclusive theatrical runs before releasing the films on its online streaming platform. After being banned from Competition at Cannes, Netflix appears to be focusing its awards attention elsewhere and positioning its three most promising features with prestigious talent behind them for Oscars season.

Some industry members and experts are irked by Netflix's insistence that its original films are considered "true cinema" due to the fact that viewers are experiencing the films on small screens at home. But for viewers excited to see either or all three of these impressive films, their theatrical releases are only good news. Audiences will now have the opportunity to either wait for the streaming release of Roma, Buster Scruggs, and 22 July or pay a little extra to experience these films on the big screen. Typically, viewers are forced to choose one or the other, so in either case, Netflix's efforts to qualify these films for Oscar nominations have given audiences at home a notable power of choice.

More: Is Anyone Actually Watching Netflix's Original Movies?

Source: Deadline

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Netflix's Mindhunter Casts Same Charles Manson Actor As Tarantino’s Film - youtube channel Netflix's Mindhunter Casts Same Charles Manson Actor As Tarantino's Film August 30, 2018 at 05:08AM

Just days after Quentin Tarantino cast Damon Herriman to play Charles Manson in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, a report says David Fincher already cast the same actor to play Manson in season 2 of Mindhunter. The serial killer drama Mindhunter won critical raves for its first season on Netflix, and is set to return to the streamer in 2019.

Meanwhile, Tarantino is currently deep in production on his 1969-set drama Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, which features not only Manson but also several members of his notorious family, as well as the Manson Family's most famous murder victim Sharon Tate. Margot Robbie plays Tate, who happens to be the next-door neighbor of the movie's main characters, struggling TV actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). The ensemble cast also includes Al Pacino, Burt Reynolds, Timothy Olyphant, Tim Roth, Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning and many many more.

Related: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Cast: Who's Who In Tarantino's Latest

In a bizarre case of casting coincidence, Collider reports that the man Tarantino chose to portray Manson in his movie has already played Charles Manson once before, but nobody knew it yet. Reportedly, Damon Herriman (Justified) was tapped awhile ago to play Manson in season 2 of David Fincher's Mindhunter, and in fact already shot his scenes back in July. As no one knows when Mindhunter season 2 will actually debut, it's possible Herriman's Manson performance in Tarantino's film will be seen before his take on the character in Fincher's drama.

Based on the experiences of real-life FBI profiler John E. Douglas, Mindhunter centers on a team of investigators as they interview incarcerated serial killers in order to learn clues about how the murderers' minds work. Season 1 featured depictions of real life killers Ed Kemper and Richard Speck, and teased the season 2 arrival of the BTK Killer Dennis Rader. Season 2 is expected to feature more real killers like "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz and Wayne Williams. Manson too will obviously feature in the show's second season, as portrayed by Herriman.

Though it may seem slightly awkward that both Tarantino's film and Fincher's series chose the exact same actor to play Manson, for Herriman this represents a very unique opportunity to give two different takes on the same character in two very different settings. Tarantino's movie is sure to be quite outrageous and probably not entirely faithful to reality, which will presumably give Herriman a chance to portray Manson in a cartoonish, over-the-top fashion. On Mindhunter, Herriman will play a Manson who is many years older and already in jail, and no doubt his portrayal on that slower-paced and detail-oriented show will be very different from the Manson he creates for Tarantino.

It's unknown as of now whether Tarantino was aware that Herriman had already played Manson in Mindhunter before he pursued the actor for Once Upon a Time In Hollywood. Of course, it's also not known yet how heavily the Manson character will feature in either Mindhunter or Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, and there's always the chance the character could be cut out of one or both of the projects before it's all over.

More: Mindhunter: How Much of the Series Is Real?

Source: Collider

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Suspiria Remake Director Confirms Post-Credits Scene & Sequel Hopes - youtube channel Suspiria Remake Director Confirms Post-Credits Scene & Sequel Hopes August 30, 2018 at 05:08AM

Director Luca Guadagnino has confirmed that his Suspiria re-imagining includes a post-credits scene. The filmmaker has further admitted that he would like to continue exploring the Suspiria universe via a direct sequel and/or possibly even a prequel movie.

A loose remake of Dario Argento's horror cult classic, Guadagnino's Suspiria stars Dakota Johnson as a young American dancer who joins a world-famous dance academy in Berlin circa 1977 (the year Argento's original film was released)... only to slowly discover that it's run by witches. The movie has been generating a good deal of buzz among horror buffs of late, thanks to both Guadagnino's involvement and the Suspiria marketing (which is heavy on creepy imagery and atmosphere). Amazon will unveil Suspiria at the big film festivals in Venice and London over the next couple of months, in order to generate even more hype ahead of its theatrical release.

Related: Suspiria's Main Cast, Then & Now

In the event that Suspiria becomes a box office success, it appears that Guadagnino already has plans in mind for a followup. During an interview with Deadline about the film, the director confirmed that Suspiria includes a post-credits scene that serve as setup for another movie. Naturally, Guadagnino avoided going into the specifics of the scene, other than to say it shows a character "looking forward towards something [and] I think it would be interesting to know what that is…"

Interestingly enough, the full-length trailer for Suspiria further alludes the possibility of a sequel or more to Guadagnino's remake. Specifically, the preview references the Three Mothers: a trio of witches at the heart of a supernatural horror movie trilogy that Argento directed, starting with the original Suspiria. While it's possible that Guadagnino hopes to remake Argento's trilogy in full eventually, he might have something else in mind. Either way, as he revealed to Deadline, the filmmaker is already thinking about what could come next - something that was reflected in his original title for the Suspiria remake (before it was abandoned):

At the beginning we were going to title the movie Suspiria: Part One but we didn't want to give the impression of something that couldn't stand alone. Truthfully, I'd be interested to explore the origin of Madame Blanc and Helena Marcus and also the future of Suzy Bannion in the world. So maybe. We'll have to see how the movie goes.

Guardagnino's decision to drop "Part One" from the title was probably a smart one, given that movies that are sold as being part of a story (however well they stand on their own) tend to perform weaker at the box office. That original title might've also led moviegoers to assume that Suspiria is the first half of a story (a la IT: Chapter One: the official title for the first IT), which doesn't seem to be the case. Rather, it sounds like Suspiria is a standalone story that Guadagnino wants to continue, much like he plans to make a sequel to Call Me By Your Name (his Best Picture nominee from last year). Whether that happens or not, at least everyone now knows to stick around for Suspiria's end credits.

MORE: Suspiria May Be Hiding a Twist in Plain Sight

Source: Deadline

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New The Seagull Poster Showcases Pristine Scenery - youtube channel New The Seagull Poster Showcases Pristine Scenery August 29, 2018 at 11:39PM


New The Seagull Poster Showcases Pristine Scenery

New The Seagull Poster Showcases Pristine Scenery

Sony Classics has released a new poster for their upcoming drama The Seagull. The film adaptation stars Oscar nominees Saoirse Ronan (Ladybird)  and Annette Bening (American Beauty). Check out the new poster below!

The Seagull, directed by Michael Mayer and adapted by Stephan Karam from the classic play by Anton Chekhov. The film also stars Golden Globe and Emmy winner Elisabeth Moss (The Handmaid's Tale), Corey Stoll, Brian Dennehy, Mare Winningham, Jon Tenney, Glen Fleshler, Michael Zegen, and Billy Howle. The design team includes Ann Roth and Jane Musky. The film is looking at a 2018 release.

The Seagull is the heartbreaking and funny story of friends and lovers, all of whom are in love with the wrong person. The movie is timely in its depiction of the tragic consequences of narcissism, particularly on young dreams and romantic love. The play was written by dramatist Anton Chekhov in 1895 and first produced in 1896. Sidney Lumet directed a film version of the play in 1968 called The Sea Gull, starring Vanessa Redgrave.

The Seagull is produced by Tom Hulce, Leslie Urdang, Bob Salerno, Jay Franke & David Herro. The deal was negotiated between Sony Pictures Classics and CAA and Endeavor Content. Hyde Park International represents the remaining world rights.

The Seagull
  • The Seagull
  • 2

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Morphies Law Review: Not-So-Mighty Morphin - youtube channel Morphies Law Review: Not-So-Mighty Morphin August 30, 2018 at 04:08AM

It's a week later and the newest multiplayer shooter for the Nintendo Switch, Morphies Law, has sadly failed to improve. It's hard not to feel disappointed that such a brave and highly creative IP such as this one is mired in problems, whether they be technical or sourced in some dysfunctional design issues. It's a game that sounds exciting on paper but remains hampered in its current execution.

Morphies Law is a competitive shooter focused around adorable robots decked out in a kind of of Mexican calavera artwork pastiche. The prominent mechanic involves trading mass between players or objectives, with each character's head, arms, legs, chest, and butt changing size — get a number of headshots on an opponent and your head will grow, while their head shrinks, and the same goes for pretty much any body part. It's a curious and inventive idea that results in most matches ending with freakish characters emoting, and renders ineffective players puny and hard to hit, for a time.

Related: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Review - The Wrong Direction

Unfortunately, the potential for this idea to thrive becomes frustrated by numerous factors. Matches max out at four minutes, which means that time spent staring at a setup screen feels equitable or unbalanced towards actual time in a match. While it's true that this segmented progress allows experience points to consistently accumulate, offering up loot boxes (pinatas, of course) as well as some resultant equipment and weapon creation options, it repeatedly interrupts the sense of flow and immersion. Add in some significant net code issues, creating situations where quickmatch searches never resolve, or otherwise thrust you into lag-burdened matches with mostly international players, and the prospect of engaging into extended sessions of Morphies Law becomes grim.

Players seeking out lore or narrative content won't find anything satisfying to sink their teeth into here, which seems like a missed opportunity considering the overblown sense of character, theatrical soundtrack, and overall intention to charm. There are frequent references to "your Morphie" and a myriad of surprisingly in-depth character customization features, but it's all fairly weightless in the grand scheme of a competitive shooter concept with minimal character-oriented groundwork. There's a tutorial that kicks off when you load it up for the first time, which incorrectly implies that some sense of world-building will permeate the actual game, but it's solely restricted to help messages in menus after this single scenario. A robust single-player adventure-style mode would have helped the game immensely, prompting adhesion to its oddball ideas, but at least it offers some functional and customizable bot-matches if your Switch is out of internet connectivity range. These matches even offer experience points, albeit at a reduced percentage of live play, and subject to a daily cap.

Once loaded in a live (and hopefully region-local) match, a few things become clear: most guns act more like water hoses, none of the control options feel effectively appropriate, and it's extremely difficult to get a feel for how well a team is performing or what everyone should be focused on. There is a ton of grandiose foley work, with wacky sound effects clanking and bonking for seemingly no reason, and little effective instruction in how to play each game mode beyond a quick pre-map guide. It's safe to say that the earliest ten or so games will be spent learning how each mode and map works, and that's before getting into the more in-depth mechanics, like finding tunnels that tiny ineffective players can utilize to flank enemies and infiltrate hotspots unseen.

In those first ten games it's not uncommon to stumble into the best content Morphies Law has to offer, though. The level Tanker Town leans back and forth between each team's Avatar (enormous Morphies which factor into the win-state for every match, and dramatically loom in the visible distance), and contains slippery oil slick zones and navigable vents in the floor. Teammates can shoot each other to heal, meaning that insecure Morphies can play the backline and act as ersatz support units, and there's even a butt-jetpack to change positioning and evade danger. Numerous special rechargeable items called Plugins factor into each match, offering tide-turning abilities under cooldown, like large bubble shields which can disrupt team fights on both sides.

All of these inclusions are smart and unique ingredients for a shooter, but the controls, whether gyro-sensitive or straightforward analog, never feel up to the task of a game about focusing fire on body parts in combat. Most of the time, Morphies just blast continuously from a distance and hope for a kill, and the lack of precision seems to inform the stream-quality of gunfire, ensuring that players can at least cause each other a bit of falloff damage. It's all too imprecise and loose, and synergizes with the mostly poor networking and lag issues in the worst way.

There's definitely something to work with here, and the word "potential" is inevitable in summary. An eventual launch on PC may offer the precision its central mechanic requires, but more maps and game-types are crucial to its present survival as a console shooter. If bot-matches are your preferred cup of tea and/or regional network play passes muster, you'll see Morphies Law's greatest gimmicks shine, but there's something distastefully "early access" about the game in its present state.

More: The Messenger Review: A Blissful Retro Platformer

Morphies Law is out now on the Nintendo Switch eShop for $19.99. A digital copy for Switch was provided to Screen Rant for purposes of review.

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What's Really Happening With The Next James Bond Movie - youtube channel What's Really Happening With The Next James Bond Movie August 30, 2018 at 04:08AM

Bond 25 was, many thought, set to take the franchise in a new direction after the poor reception Spectre received. However, the film has been dogged with setbacks, and there seems to be more focus on who'll play Bond after Bond 25 rather than the movie itself. What exactly is going on?

It's been almost three years since the last James Bond movie, Spectre, released in Fall 2015, and since then it's been a rollercoaster. There's been a long will-he-won't-he of it Daniel Craig will return, multiple screenplays and now director drama.

Related: James Bond 25: Everything You Need To Know

Bond is one of the biggest franchises on the planet, so there's a lot of pressure to get it right. With that comes a lot of speculation and rumor - doubly so as this series brushes up with the British tabloids - which makes knowing the truth of 007's future rather tricky. Today, we're going to cut through all of the misinformation and tell you the facts (and a few uncertainties) of what's really going on with James Herbert Bond.

When Is Bond 25 Coming Out?

After Spectre, in 2015, many assumed that Daniel Craig would hang up his tux and retire from playing the special agent - he made some very strongly worded claims on that film's press tour - but surprisingly he decided to stay on. By that point, the film had already been given a November 2019 release date. This was still two years away, so it seemed pretty attainable.

However, since then there have been some complications with both the scripts and filmmakers of Bond 25 (which we'll get to shortly) that presently leave the film without a director. While there have been reports that the release will subsequently be pushed back to 2020 or later, it appears that Eon is still hoping to make November 8, 2019, just over 14 months away.

That would seem entirely unattainable for most, but the Bond franchise has a history with tight schedules; Spectre didn't begin filming until 11 months before its release. Although, given the quality of the movie, that was a mistake and indeed, it would be churlish to try that tactic again.

Related: The Big Problem With The James Bond Franchise (And How To Fix It)

Is This Really Daniel Craig's Last Bond Movie?

By the time Bond 25 is released, Craig will be the longest-serving Bond because of the gaps between movies. However, he won't beat the late Roger Moore's record of playing 007 a whopping (and fitting) seven times as Craig has said this will be his last.

After many negative comments about the franchise and the character itself, many feel that at this stage, Craig isn't doing the role for the fun or prestige that playing such an iconic character will bring. Rather, he's just going through the motions and collecting a big fat paycheck at the end. Then again, Craig has said he wants to play the special agent one more time as he'd like to go out on a high. Maybe, given that Spectre struggled in comparison to the far more superior Skyfall, Craig wants one last shot at starring in a top quality James Bond movie.

Of course, anything is open to change, but as it stands Bond 25 will be Craig's final movie.

Who's Directing And What Happened With Danny Boyle?

Up until mid-August 2018, Danny Boyle was set to direct Bond 25. He joined the project earlier in the year with a challenging script from John Hodge. However, not anymore.

The official statement said that Danny Boyle quite Bond 25 over "creative differences". Of course, we all know that's the old adage trotted out whenever there's been a fundamental disagreement on the creative team. So what was the exact reason? No one really knows; Boyle hasn't spoken on the subject and neither have Daniel Craig or Bond producer Barbara Broccoli - and neither are they likely to right now. A report in the British news suggested that producers weren't happy with the script's focus on a modern-day cold war with Russia, and what really pushed Boyle over the edge was Craig vetoing his casting of Tomasz Kot as the main Bond villain. Craig has final say in all castings and so, when he said no, Boyle waved goodbye. That's just a rumor, but it's worth noting that Boyle doesn't usually work on big budget movies owing to the lack of creative control, so it's likely that there were issues on both sides.

Read More: Who Will Be Danny Boyle's Bond 25 Replacement?

At present. Bond 25 has no director. The most recent rumor is that Jean-Marc Vallee has been approached. He has no directing projects lined up, and he's said previously that a Bond movie would be a fun thing to do. Given his Oscar nomination for Dallas Buyers Club and great success with his TV projects like Big Little Lies and Sharp Objects, so could be a great choice.

Page 2 of 2: The Future Of The Bond Franchise

Will Bond 25's Story Link To Spectre?

At this stage, no one really knows what's going on with the script for Bond 25, because there are two. Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, longstanding James Bond scriptwriters, wrote an initial draft of Bond 25 rumored to be titled Shatterhand, and most assumed that was what would be used. That didn't exactly fill Bond fans with glee; Purvis and Wade have been writing Bond movies for a long time now - since 1999's The World Is Not Enough - and their formulaic scripts are looking jaded and worn.

However, when Boyle joined as director, he brought with him his longstanding collaborator, John Hodge, who then penned a script based off an idea of Boyle's. Details are scarce, but it's rumored that Hodge's script had ties to #timesup and #metoo; in essence, it was a much more political and controversial story. It seems very unlikely that Hodge will still be on board, or that any portion of his script would be used given Boyle's departure. In that case, then, it's back to Purvis and Wade's script, which will need to be polished and ready pretty quickly to meet that November 2019 deadline.

As for ties to Spectre, that now seems unlikely. While the movie gave the potential for Christoph Waltz's Blofeld to return, the actor has revealed he's not coming back, albeit not through choice. But all of that leaves fans of Bond wondering what story we are going to get instead.

Related: James Bond Desperately Needs New Writers

What's With All The Casting Rumors About Idris Elba?

After publicly declaring he'd rather slit his wrists than ever play James Bond again, it was something of a surprise to hear that Craig had signed up to play 007 for a fifth time. He might already be regretting his choice, though, given all the issues Bond 25 has had to deal with. If anything, there seems to be far more focus on who will be the next Bond.

Idris Elba has long been touted as a possible Bond replacement, even before Spectre started filming, and they were recently sparked up again by - who else - the British tabloids. With his debonair charm and acting ability, Elba certainly has the talent and charisma needed to pull a character like James Bond off. However, there doesn't appear to be any grounding to those rumors, with Elba - who normally has fun with the speculation - flat-out refuting them. After all, they've still got to deal with Bond 25: anything after is a long way off.

Related: What's Next For the James Bond Franchise After Bond 25?

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The Wish Giver in the Works for TV - youtube channel The Wish Giver in the Works for TV August 30, 2018 at 09:49AM

The Wish Giver in the Works for TV

The Wish Giver in the Works for TV

Producers Brett Carducci and Stephen Laddin have landed the media rights to Bill Brittain's young adult novel The Wish Giver. Variety is reporting that Carducci and Laddin will produce the project under Carducci's production banner, Aligned Entertainment.

From HarperCollins the official description of the novel is as follow:A Newbery Honor Book that the New York Times called "an eerie delight," The Wish Giver is an engaging literary folk story about those who get what they wish for—whether they want it or not.

The people of Coven Tree are no strangers to magic. In fact, the town's very name comes from a gnarled old tree where covens of witches used to gather. Even now, imps and fiends continue to appear, frightening the townsfolk with their devilish pranks.

Usually these creatures are easy to spot. They have a particular smell, or sound, or way of moving, that betrays their dark nature.

But Thaddeus Blinn showed none of these signs when he came to Coven Tree. He was just a funny little man who drifted into town with a strange tale about being able to give people whatever they wished—for only fifty cents.

There was nothing scary about him. At least, not until the wishing began…

Brett Carducci was an executive producer on the 2017 film Killing Hasselhoff. Carducci also produced an ESPN 30 for 30 documentary titled Student/Athlete. Stephen Laddin was an executive producer on the Bit Torrent Now pilot The Specials.

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Star Wars 9: Oscar Isaac Compares Resistance To Guerrilla Fighters - youtube channel Star Wars 9: Oscar Isaac Compares Resistance To Guerrilla Fighters August 30, 2018 at 04:08AM

Star Wars: Episode IX star Oscar Isaac likens the Resistance to revolutionary guerrilla fighters pushing back against an evil empire. The Skywalker saga's sequel trilogy follows the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order, which bears many similarities to the Galactic Civil War that preceded it. The villains are well-resourced and have a substantial army at their disposal, while the plucky heroes are forced to scrap with whatever supplies they can find. Leia's resistance never got the full support of the Republic, viewing the general as a political pariah during what was thought to be a peace time.

For all their resiliency, the Resistance took heavy losses in The Last Jedi, with all of the surviving members fitting in the Millennium Falcon at the end of the film. There should be a time jump leading into Episode IX that allows them to rebuild their forces, but they're still going to have to scratch and claw their way to victory. Isaac has a pretty interesting analogy for their current state.

Related: Every Star Wars 9 Update You Need To Know

In an interview with USA Today, the actor was of course asked about the future of Star Wars. He shared his perspective on the Resistance, comparing them to Revolutionary War heroes and even Cuban guerrillas:

"[They] are guerrilla fighters, adhering closer to something like the Revolutionary War fighters or even the guerrillas in Cuba with Che and Fidel and all these guys living in the mountains, coming down to do some attacks, and going back and trying to hide from the 'empire' of the United States. It's that kind of ragged at this point."

It should be noted that this isn't exactly new territory for Star Wars. The original trilogy fit very well into this idea, with the ragtag Rebel Alliance organizing attacks against the Empire from secret bases, before having to go on the run after being discovered. Episode IX is simply going to continue the tradition, while hopefully putting a new spin on things to keep it feeling fresh. Odds are, the Resistance will have regrouped at new headquarters by the time Star Wars 9 begins, but they'll need to be careful so they aren't found. It's unknown just how many allies and troops they'll have at their disposal, meaning whatever attacks they do stage need to be as effective as possible.

Plot details are being kept firmly under wraps for now, but leaked set photos have shown Isaac's Poe Dameron on some sort of mission with his buddy Finn and Chewbacca. There were other characters present in those images (including one theorized to be Naomi Ackie's mystery individual), so it'll be interesting to see how all of those pieces fall into place. Episode IX director J.J. Abrams is attempting to balance a lot with his latest film, so hopefully he manages to pull it off and deliver a satisfying conclusion to a story audiences have been following for 40 years.

MORE: Forget the Jedi, It's Time for Star Wars Movies to End (For Now)

Source: USA Today

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The Best Look at Funko's Fortnite Figures & Backbling So Far - youtube channel The Best Look at Funko's Fortnite Figures & Backbling So Far August 30, 2018 at 01:08AM

Fans of Epic Games' Fortnite get their best look yet at the upcoming line of Funko POP! figures, and yes, they will come with Back Bling. With Fortnite everywhere right now, it was only a matter of time before the battle royale brawler joins the likes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Adventure Time, and The Walking Dead to be immortalized in Funko form.

Funko Pops and battle royale games are nothing new, but with Fortnite still ruling the roost of the popular genre and recently breaking the $1 billion mark, a series of vinyls is a clever way to continue cashing in on the trend. Concept art of Fortnite's Funko POP! figures has already appeared online, but players can get a closer look at the finished product.

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The images were shared by Jessica Blevins - the wife of Fortnite legend Tyler "Ninja" Blevins - during a trip to Epic Games in North Carolina.

Not only did Blevins confirm that two of the Funkos will be Rex and Tricera Ops, but when one fan quizzed whether the vinyls will have Back Bling, she posted a rear view of Tricera Ops. Adding something like Back Bling may seem like a minor detail, but at least it shows that Funko is committed to remaining authentic.

While Blevins didn't reveal any of the other figures, a recent leak from Instagram account SerlentPops already suggested that the first wave would include Rex and Tricera Ops alongside other skins like Omega, Black Knight, and Brite Bomber. Fortnite is continuously adding new skins with every update, so it's only a matter of time before new additions like the Ace or Galaxy skin are transformed into Funko Pops.

Promised to be available in major retailers and online, there is still no official word on how many Fortnite Funkos there will be or what they will be priced at. Thankfully, the Fortnite Funkos are just as colorful as the in-game skins and sure to grab the attention of fans everywhere.

Considering that battle royale games are set to make over $20 billion in 2019, expect to see a boom in game merchandise on a par with the genre itself. With some parents paying for their kids to get Fortnite training, a line of Funko Pops in the final quarter of 2018 is sure to be a hit for the festive season. Although there is no official release date for the Fortnite Funko POP! figures, expect more news in the near future.

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Source: Jessica Blevins [2]

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